The Stateman and the tyrant
The greatest virtue of Democracy is the plurality of ideas, one that reflects the political plurality of citizens, for the mere reason that political plurality is the straight and obvious result of a right which was very costly to us to obtain: Freedom of Consciousness. The violation of this basic natural right is what motivates the tyrant to make his party step over everybody, even the whole nation. The goal of a good Stateman is to make his party win elections by majority in both the executive and legislative spheres, but a truly wise and democrat Stateman, one who really deserves the cognomen of Stateman, not of a tyrant, enjoys the lack of absolute power, for he knows that human nature is imperfect and must be overseen by the opposition. Opposition will always exist, even if locked in the prisons of dictatorships or silenced by the political militia. When a politician reveals his willingness to rule with absolute power without any opposition, not only he himself reveals his tyranny, even the ones who do not oppose such willingness become tyrants as well. Power does not corrupt Man. It is rather Man that corrupts Power.
"The goal of a party is to win the Presidency, the governorship of each one of the 27 states, and all the seats both in the House of Representatives and in the Senate. That would be wonderful!" - Lula da Silva, a tyrant.